Wednesday, June 1, 2011

me at the end

Unfortunately, most media following a high-school aged protagonist is not centered around Senior year.  Freshmen year being the most prevalently covered, with Sophomore year for tv shows simply out of convinience(less formal introductions, quicker).  Senior year themed ones typically deal with some sort of steady change from Freshman to Senior year, or centered around a party.  Occasionally, there is some sort of "what to do next" question.  However, for most people here, it's pretty straightforward.  I can assume most of those in this class will go to college next year. 
Me at the end? I don't really think so.  My life would be under the sitcom or dramatic comedy category, so the only real end is of the setting and supporting characters.  There will be a definate change, and old characters may be reintroduced later, but for the most part this new season will feature all types of new things.  I haven't changed anything about myself in quite a while, I'm just a static character.  The me at the end is the same me at the beginning.  I haven't changed, only experianced more. 
Now media that continues from high-school years on through college typically aren't great, and usually can't maintain the same level of comedy or whatever.  Mainly due to the change in surroundings, even if the character remains the same and those added fulfill the same characteristics needed to balance everything.  So I'm hoping this will completely be something new, with new types of people, not to fulfill the characters that appeared over the high-school years.  Grade school years was a really bad story, but really important for development later.  High school years had a huge change and were pretty good, pretty typical though.  College years I'll definately perfect it, or maybe a bit after.  But still, experiance is helping a pretty good deal. 
This is not me at the end, this is me at the start.  This is not a coming of age story.  My background story should be over either by now, or soon. 

long post/rant

Friday, May 20, 2011

letter to the prospective student

Sup prospective student
So if they do the same blogs every year, how come we’ve never seen this kind of letter?  Did we not have students do this before, or were they like, just never shown.  Anyways, to give you a little preview of what we learn in this class, today we discussed Nyan Cat and hot Bulgarians.  So yeah, if you want some of that, this class, right here.  I bet our teacher just like, withdrew all of these letters to us because they were like this one, and don’t really talk about teaching at all.  Not like anyone besides him checks the blogs, but maybe just a precaution. 
We can basically say whatever we want here, because we can, and it’s seen as a different perspective.  And different perspectives are really valued I guess-even if they’re wrong.  So sometimes we can just troll the whole class, all period.  But anyways, it’s a good class, so take it. 
I'll come bust in your class one day, so expect it!
--Eric Klein

Monday, May 16, 2011

Thoughts about earlier thinking

I have not changed.  My way of thinking, my goals, they have not changed.  What has changed has been my experiances, and what I've learned to do or avoid to get what I want.  For the most part, these were not drastic things either.  What has always fit me still works for me, I have no need for any change in how I think.  I'm a fairly static character, I've been the same way all throughout high school.  How I've shown what I'm thinking may have changed, but not the thoughts in themselves.  Unless something happens, I am sure I will remain the same in my path of thinking, and unchanging in general.

Friday, May 6, 2011

surrounded by cuckoos, but I was the crazy one

"In a mad world, only the mad are sane."  Like an episode of The Twilight Zone, difference in a single person, from that person's point of view, is madness.  You know who's really crazy, only because you are in your own state of mind.  You will never understand their world, and neither will they to yours.  Everyone is different, everyone has problems, everyone thinks differently.  But to fit in the most, thats the goal right?  Theres nothing wrong with conforming a little bit.  Go against what you believe, what you feel, and learn to feel love.  Can you convince people to a position having nothing in common with them and not being able to relate to them?  Of course not.  Splashing black paint into a white wall will only inspire those who see it to get rid of the black paint, while pouring white paint onto your wet black splotch on the wall will dilute the color- and no one will notice it.  And even though no one notices, you notice.  A change has been made, and perhaps things are different.  Now you can continue to add layers and layers of black splotches with the now diluted white paint, and change it completely eventually.  You can have a black wall, and none will be the wiser, as it will have originally been that white color. 

Alone and Together

"Every living creature dies alone".  Everyone is seperate.  And everyone dies alone.  Which is why one should live life together with others.  When the time comes, it doesn't matter if someone dies without anyone around him in an alley, or surrounded by loved ones in a hospital.  No matter what happened in life, as soon as you start to end you are deserted.  No one can follow you, and no one should.  I'm sure I'm not the only one who wants to be remembered by what happened before the thing that leads up to my death and not my final words.  What you do beforehand really shows who you are, dispite how you felt about everything. Whether you choose to reveal true intentions is up to you, depending on motive.  Fooling people in life, together, and being honest while dying, alone.  Keep up a mask.  It's fine if no one knows, we all die alone.                              

save the earth

Unless things get really bad, no real action will be taken to :save the earth'.  Sure there will continue to be the little hipster movements about riding a bike or being vegan or whatever, butI'm talking about something that will actually help.  Punishments, while sometimes harsh, are rarely enforced.  In a day, I could dump every piece of trash I have and have absolutely nothing happen.  It's not even a threat enough that I would have to go out of my way to hide it, it still remains easier than simply throwing the trash out most of the time.  Now, don't misunderstand- I don't litter.  It's not that I care about saving the earth more or less than any other daily occurance- I simply find it repulsive.  Walking around, and seeing trash on the ground, disgusting.  Though trash cans have definately been improved in terms of how they look in the city, they still represent a disposal area.  If at every corner there was simply a disposal area comprised of a slick metal door on the ground, I'm sure that would be more effective. It's not only the trash itself that are littering the city. The trash cans, which are filled with it, are they much better?  You wouldn't want to have garbage at every corner, so how is having a great big collected pile much better?  Sure, it's contained, but it's still out in the open.  Now the personal ones in alleys, thats a good idea.  Not only do they not look as bad, the bright blue ones for recycling draw your attention for anyone actually LOOKING to throw something out.  Not only that, they are in the alleys, not presented for everyone while trying to display something else as well. 

Friday, April 8, 2011


I was considering leaving this blank, and saying my entry was invisible, but the decrease in my grade might overwhelm the lame humor.  So actually, my friends and I were discussing this the other day during lunch.  started out as a "would you rather" question, as "Would you rather be invisible all the time, or invisible only some times, but not be able to control when you are/aren't?"  I thought the answer was quite obvious- invisible all the time.  If it only happens some of the time, I really couldn't take advantage of being invisible.  I could still be judged accordingly for my appearance, kind of like the Invisible Man.  That was a terrible "Would you rather" by the way, not sure why that one came up, I'm not sure anyone would choose that second choice over the first.  Being actually physically invisible might make you less "invisible" in a sense that its something new.