Monday, January 24, 2011

Good food review

     The last real restaurant I visited(not for class) would be Piazza Bella.  I think you might have mentioned it the other day, but I had gone on New Year’s Eve before going out.  While this place always has its setbacks (this particular time the table was located right next to the constantly-opening door), it is always a nice experience.  Unfortunately, going out with my family certainly always means that it takes several hours to get out the door.  This also means that upon arriving, my sister and I will fill up on bread before the meal begins.
     Even so, it is a great Italian restaurant, having a very unique sauce that is put on just about everything.  Almost always, my family orders the same thing each time.  Not messing with tradition, we do this, and pass dishes between one another.  If I was mistaken, and you did not already go, I would recommend going there when you next get a chance.  It’s a good solid meal, and defiantly a good place for family. 

King still King

     In this day and age, there are many characters and figures who inspire the young and oldwith tales of how they came to change the course of history.  A prime example is the late Martin Luther King Jr.  While I do believe there are many other people who deserve the same recognition and respect he does for his contributions, King is very well-deserving of his current role and display. 
     Now it seems to me that when a person dies for a justifiable cause, the cause is seen in another light.  People ignorant to it are now knowledgeable, and people already involved are more dedicated to the cause than ever.  It has always had more impact with the death of a person someone can relate to.  This is a large reason why he is so celebrated today. 
     He will truly live on, and hopefully people will begin to recognize others of equal impact on the world.  No matter how controversial, some people are just great, and deserve the respect of all. 


     People are encouraged to look at globalization from a certain standpoint.  But who are we to decide that it is good or bad.  I’m sure that if I asked what one felt about it, they would disapprove, but take a certain aspect from globalization, and all of a sudden it turns into something great.  People take it for granted, take a look around.  Your pencil, your computer, most of everything around you, where was it made? If the answer is other than America, then imagine these things gone.  Unhappy?  Globalization doesn’t seem nearly as bad now, right?
     Your priorities, your patriotism.  If America was a third world country, holding no power, do you think it would be pleasant to live here? People continue to talk down globalization, but this is only until everything brought by it disappears.  In other countries, one might not have the same freedoms, to say whatever you want about it, to have it published somewhere. 
     We are very lucky, to be so accepting of others.  To not be ignorant of cultures, we share with globalization.  You would not be able to carry on your everyday life without it, everyone is surely better with it.  People simply need to acknowledge it.  I was easily able to look up globalization, see other’s views on it, put out my own view of it, and publish my work.  This is the work of globalization.

Thankful for a classmate

     I am thankful for all of my classmates; each one’s unique opinions bring a different outlook to the class’s discussions.  That each is humorous in their own way, and care about the others.  I’m not going to name anyone specifically, because it is not really a matter of one person over another.  People should recognize that someone in the class is grateful for them, for their existence and contributions. 
     My classmates are all very special people in their own way, and I believe that despite the arguments and having to choose one particular person, everyone in the class is thankful for everyone else.  In some way or another, seen or unseen, we all appreciate each other to the fullest extent.  If a single person is missing, than the group is incomplete.  The balance is shifted, and of course things won’t be the same. 
     I can’t choose just a single person.  No one’s contributions are more valuable than another’s, simply different.  It is these differences that make the class special, the classmates make the class.  Most of the time, it is not the material from the class, but the how the material is taken and changed by the people in the class.

Defend the Poet

Born like this
Into this
     This opening phrase describe the author’s feelings in five words, there’s bound to be nothing positive after them.  While at first it would seem simple to agree with the poet, one can’t help but support the morality of humanity while reading this.  As people in our society cannot see the horrors that this poem describes, it is too easy to just assume that people are better than that. 
     However, just because we can’t see this does not mean it doesn’t happen.  We can take the smaller things the poem says, and assume the larger things are true as well.  “Into hospitals which are so expensive that it’s cheaper to die” and “Into a place where the masses elevate fools into rich heroes” are far more relatable for people like us than the future predictions of the poet.  We may not see the reincarnation of Dante’s Inferno in everyday life, because people only see what they want to see, and what that is is the beauty of life. 
     Regardless of how one lives their life, one is bound to encounter sadness, suffering.  Regardless of class, people see these things.  Though it may be in different degrees, everything is relatable despite things that will be soon insignificant. 
“And there will be the most beautiful silence never heard.”

Saturday, January 15, 2011

I'm a Shoe

     People forget that I am a necessity sometimes.  They pass me by, buying pairs to match their outfits or for a special purpose.  But people forget my original purpose.  I exist only to hold you, to protect you.  I get torn up and beaten for you, but people take more care now.  Only for the ones that originally looked good of course.  For one like me….one who was only made for that one purpose….I can’t possibly be treated kindly. 
     At the end of the month, I am always reshipped or repackaged in some way, so I can be sold.  But it never happens.  No matter how I am meant to be looked at, I am looked at with distain.  My store’s precious customers have taste, and I cannot sway them.  My one wish is to one day be donated.  For one that needs me, they must treat me greatly.  I can imagine now, a child picking me up, his first pair, his very own.  He no longer needs to carry various burdens; I can help him up as he helps me up.  The box is discarded, for my new, freer home. 
     When that day comes, I will be so eager.  Whoever picks me up I will dedicate my life to.  I am what I always will be, no matter what happens.  I will carry on my name with pride, as I hope they will as well.  I am old, but fresh and clean, and I have a dream.  I am a shoe. 

Winter Poem: Chillspikes

Cold, as Winter
Past the fall, the leaves of which no longer-cover
It’s branches, but are taken in bags.
Smothered in snow, and forgotten by all. 
Only to be replaced, the sense lost
Of frost, frozen Winter.

The lakes, a layer, crack upon the top and
The feeling of numb, all along the front. 
Constantly falling and melting before reaching the ground. 
The cold that you feel, Chill spikes along your back
Stuck up inside all the time, a human’s hibernation. 

End of Winter.
Past the fun and miserable times, seem so far away
But wait, a breaks end is a new time’s beginning.
Most people don’t recognize, the warmth that is given
By this beginning, the end of Winter.