Thursday, October 7, 2010

Modern Day God

     As time goes on, respect for everything seems to slowly disappear.  Even the sacred has become less so in the eyes of modern day society.  Though God is still revered and praised among the world and throughout different cultures, the connection has changed.  Not too long ago, people viewed God with great fear and love.  They lived their entire life devoted to a sole purpose, influenced by Him.
     However, the tradition of old has changed.  Though the belief is still around, the devotion and the action are no longer here.  People used to die for their religion, giving their lives not as an escape but for a purpose.  Their lives were not viewed as given in vain, but as given for the prospect of more life, whether it is others or their own. 
     Traditions are still mainly kept to how they were, but some interpretations are taken differently.  These different interpretations and sub religions no longer lead to nearly as extreme of violent acts.  Before, wars could break out at a basic disagreement.  Now, people can freely make humorous remarks about God without any fear of punishment from society. 
     By far, God is less respected and feared in modern times.  However, people have no limit to their love of God.  They continue to show the world that mankind can continue with all of its purposes, and can live up to the expectations set for them.  The thought of God can continue to influence people, whether for better or worse. 

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