Monday, March 28, 2011

Movie Review

The movie I have chosen is simply because I want to get a new name out there.  Said name is Antonio Campos.  As a director, his only real work is an indie film called Afterschool.  Now, I'm not normally a fan of indie films- at all.  But Campos's intriguing directing style made me rewatch this (actually fairly dull) movie over again. When I say the movie is dull, I simply mean it takes a person with patience to appreciate it, you really have to get involved in the viewing.  However, when you do, every emotion portrayed seems magnified, and you truely feel what he wants you to.  Seeing what the maker of a movie wants you to see- thats the main appeal of a movie.  In written forms of media, your mind only sees a wide angle of the scene.  However, Campos uses angles I had never seen attempted in a movie, not even really making use of the camera that the main character carries with him.  Instead, he focuses on what really holds importance in each scene, or rather, doesn't at all.  Taking not into account the visual senses, he brings on lengthly silences that only encourage the moods.  Avoiding showing the actual shot until the last moment, your always left wondering.  The movie itself is comparable to a more emotional, dull version of 'Brick'.  It doesn't have the wit, or the fast paced put-it-together-yourself type plot, but it also doesn't hold the predicatability or false way of speaking or acting that made Brick so popular.  Antonio Campos is surely one to look out for, and I really look forward to seeing something else by him that moved me to his will.  

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Art Review

An artist I have been familiar with since a young age has been French Post-Impressionist painter Paul Cezanne.  His work has always appealed to me, putting out amazing landscapes with such simplistic color schemes while never taking an unneccesary brush stroke.  He never seems to take anything in a new direction, always just painting things as they are. He doesn't try to improve on anything, and can see the beauty in imperfections.  In a lighthearted mood very calm situations, but can also brings out the ruggedness when going for a darker circumstance. 
The use of contrast in his individual pieces is very little, but hold two of his pieces together and observe the  contrast of pure emotions.

Friday, March 11, 2011

We have the right to choose

     We will always have the right to choose.  And like this, we will also have the right to abandon all of these choices.  Most situations are divided into two choices, but they don’t have to be.  We have all the choices we allow ourselves to have.  If you limit what you may do, you have chosen, in a way, to forfeit your choices.  But remove the limiter, and you have a whole new world of solutions for your decisions.  Think outside the box! If you’re trapped in a room with only one door, you may only stay or go right?  If a person tells you to do one or the other, are you really making a decision by yourself? Then ignore them!  Do what you feel!  It doesn’t even have to be either of those choices, tear down half the wall and sit in between!   
     You may do whatever you like, and you should enjoy that freedom.  You have this right, to create a choice that wasn’t there in the first place.  You can choose one of what is presented in front of you, but is that really freedom?  People are going to impact that decision no matter what.  That person that sways you to leave may be inviting you to leave, but if you stay, you might still be doing what they wanted.  After all, their voice is still going to impact your decision.  You have the right to choose.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

McCarthy Bday!

Happy birthday Mr. McCarthy!  Not sure what philosophical spin I could put on this.  So, you mentioned birthday WEEK though.  I always thought that was weird, when people count all of that.  Like, doesn’t that mean that if everyone’s is like that, don’t they overlap?  Even still, the person whose birthday its closer to would have first say in stuff right?  Not sure, can’t say I’ve ever had one of those weird overlaps, or no ones ever really cared enough to mention it. 
People are so touchy about age.  Like, I wonder at what point people stop saying they are older than they are and start saying they are younger than they are.  Its considered rude to ask someone old their age, but at what point do people start caring about it.  Mr. McCarthy you don’t really seem like a person that would be sensitive about their age, seeing as you have no problem asking people their address and giving out yours and such.  Maybe we’ll ask on Tuesday.  We’ll see I guess.  Happy birthday!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

X is found

     X is found.  This can be either a good or bad thing, depending on who found it.  Say you found it, is it yours to begin with?  What is X to begin with?  X can be anything, as long as it is important to someone.  No need to hide something which does not need to be hidden. 
     Finding something hidden should always be exciting.  Just the thought that it could be valuable to someone, or detrimental to someone, should make X a thrilling search for an opportunity.  If someone finds your X, if someone reveals your X, it’s going to be interesting.  You’re going to have some excitement no matter what, either positive or negative.  
     So why hide X in the first place?  Can you not keep it yourself?  Maybe it’s something that is only important later, as opposed to now.  It is only important that it is kept hidden.  Once X is found, it is revealed.  No matter if it is one person or one hundred, it is revealed.  How something happens or why does not matter, only that it did.