Sunday, March 6, 2011

McCarthy Bday!

Happy birthday Mr. McCarthy!  Not sure what philosophical spin I could put on this.  So, you mentioned birthday WEEK though.  I always thought that was weird, when people count all of that.  Like, doesn’t that mean that if everyone’s is like that, don’t they overlap?  Even still, the person whose birthday its closer to would have first say in stuff right?  Not sure, can’t say I’ve ever had one of those weird overlaps, or no ones ever really cared enough to mention it. 
People are so touchy about age.  Like, I wonder at what point people stop saying they are older than they are and start saying they are younger than they are.  Its considered rude to ask someone old their age, but at what point do people start caring about it.  Mr. McCarthy you don’t really seem like a person that would be sensitive about their age, seeing as you have no problem asking people their address and giving out yours and such.  Maybe we’ll ask on Tuesday.  We’ll see I guess.  Happy birthday!

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