Friday, April 8, 2011

A book to read- ranttttttt

Given the choice, I think anyone in the room would far rather watch the movie version of a book over reading the physical book.  Movies simply engage more senses than a book, and one can get far more into it than a book.  Having already had everything set up for you, how things look and sound and such, people are far more inclined to be lazy and no longer read.  Its a fact: books are work. They are reminicent of school and forced readings decrease pleasure.  If one was forced to watch boring movies for school, I'm sure that the enjoyment in watching movies regularly would be dereased to some degree.
Not that I'm on the side of books or anything.  No, I'm definately one of the people I described, who would far rather watch a movie.  Before writing this, I was trying to think of a book to recomend, but the last book I started (the girl with the dragon tattoo) I haven't picked up in quite a while dispite my enjoyment of the novel.  So rather than a book to read, a movie to watch takes its place

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