Friday, May 6, 2011

save the earth

Unless things get really bad, no real action will be taken to :save the earth'.  Sure there will continue to be the little hipster movements about riding a bike or being vegan or whatever, butI'm talking about something that will actually help.  Punishments, while sometimes harsh, are rarely enforced.  In a day, I could dump every piece of trash I have and have absolutely nothing happen.  It's not even a threat enough that I would have to go out of my way to hide it, it still remains easier than simply throwing the trash out most of the time.  Now, don't misunderstand- I don't litter.  It's not that I care about saving the earth more or less than any other daily occurance- I simply find it repulsive.  Walking around, and seeing trash on the ground, disgusting.  Though trash cans have definately been improved in terms of how they look in the city, they still represent a disposal area.  If at every corner there was simply a disposal area comprised of a slick metal door on the ground, I'm sure that would be more effective. It's not only the trash itself that are littering the city. The trash cans, which are filled with it, are they much better?  You wouldn't want to have garbage at every corner, so how is having a great big collected pile much better?  Sure, it's contained, but it's still out in the open.  Now the personal ones in alleys, thats a good idea.  Not only do they not look as bad, the bright blue ones for recycling draw your attention for anyone actually LOOKING to throw something out.  Not only that, they are in the alleys, not presented for everyone while trying to display something else as well. 

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